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Welcome to The Myles Munroe Emerging and Proven Leaders Development Training


This program is a unique leadership development program that will provide you a road map that over a period of time as a result of your commitment, accountability, responsibility and being fully engaged is designed to RELEASE and MAXIMIZE your personal purpose and leadership potential.


While the founders of MAPP did not want to specifically develop a mentoring program like the thousands of programs that may or may not be measured by benchmarks, our goal was to 

The . Myles Munroe Associates Program Providers provides personal mentoring opportunities for individuals committed to personal training in character, conviction, and leadership. This distance learning opportunity allows leaders to connect with Dr. Myles Munroe personally and receive monthly lessons and resources as a part of a formal mentorship experience. Go beyond charisma, skill, and position!


Become the leader you were born to be!

What you can expect:

  • Monthly Letter

  • Monthly Resources

  • Copy of Dr. Munroe’s itinerary

  • List of Dr. Munroe’s personal contact information

  • An application to travel with Dr. Munroe on overseas trips

Are you ready to LEAD?

The greatest investment in leadership is not in things but in people. Creating leaders is the ultimate purpose of leadership. A leader’s joy is to see others stand in their own integrity and strength—maximizing their potential in God and fulfilling the capacity of their leadership ability. This is the Mentorship Commitment!


To Learn More About The Mentoring Program, Click Here To Download The Brochure.  After you have read all of the information about the mentoring pr0gram and you are imterested in being my mentee, click on the link below to learn more about the mentoring program, the different levels and the fees.


Contact Cytella Francis, our Project Director when you are ready to join hunderds of other leaders, who have begun their mentor/mentee journey.  





If you have additonal questions, complete the CONTACT form below.  Please provide your complete phone number in the Message box along with a brief/detail message.  Thank you!

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         3210 Michigan Ave., 2nd Flr.

         Kansas City, MO  64109


              Satellite Office:

       2229 Ave. J., Suite 101

        Arlington, TX  76006 




 Office: (817) 678-4695

Virtual: (816) 985-1338 

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